![]() A D.U.F.F no more The book I will be talking about is called The D.U.F.F by Kody Keplinger. D.U.F.F. was altogether a good book but not the most appropriate. It had a lot of cursing and sexual content. But the plot and the ending were very well put together. It had a lot of drama which I like and it had romance. It was also an easy read. I thought it ended really well because it was something so unexpected and I love books that have an ending you weren't expecting. The D.U.F.F was about a girl named Bianca and she was at a party when rich jock Wesley Rush came by to talk to her. Basically he called her the D.U.F.F of her group of friends. D.U.F.F means Designated Ugly Fat Friend. Bianca was very offended so she just went back home and that next week for her was the worst. Bianca’s ex came and visited, her mom and dad got a divorce, and she ended up in bed with Wesley.
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![]() Guest post from Gene: The book that I am doing my blog post for is Inkheart by Cornelia Funke. I really liked that book. It almost reminded me of the movie Bedtime Stories where the uncle tells stories to his niece and nephew before they go to bed and then the next day, the things that happen in his stories that he tells happen to him in real life. One of the things that I liked about the book was that it was its own type of story and it wasn’t about what a lot of today’s teen and young adult books are about today where the main characters have to survive something or they have to battle other kids their same age. Here are some things that I did and didn’t like about the book. There was one thing at the end of the book that I didn’t like so much. What happened was the author Fenoglio had disappeared and it never said what had happened to him. I am wondering if the next book Inkspell will be told the same way where Inkspell is based off its own book and the characters come out. At first, I had thought that Fenoglio might be a bad guy. The reason why, is because when I heard about what was supposed to happen to Dustfinger and also when he said that some of the heroes in books die, I started to wonder if he was going to end up being bad and somehow team up with Capricorn because he had never said anything negative about him. I really liked Farid because he was a really nice kid and in my opinion he seemed like a son or a brother to Dustfinger because of how close he was to him. I was surprised at the end where it said that he went away with Dustfinger but it didn’t say where they were going. |
Chris Struyk-Bonn
I have had a few jobs in my life that I didn't enjoy: detassling corn, working in a small motor parts factory, framing pictures, serving food, and rejecting bad eggs in an egg factory. Today, I take part in a book club for teens and I love every minute of it. Archives
July 2015